I was sitting at a Women's Conference (St. Gertrude's in Maderia, Ohio) last week listening to two fabulous speakers, Tim Staples and Father Wade Menezes. I started to think about how many really wonderfully Catholic conferences and speakers I have been to in the last 4 years since my re-vert to Holy Mother Church. Yes, I listen and leave these talks on fire for the truth....and I keep scraps of paper, but have I kept a concise list, a really great spiritual journal...no. Can I recreate the full list, probably not. But I can document what I do remember and continue from this day to record my thoughts and feelings when I return home from these wonderful opportunities of grace!
Ok, so to start. The first conference I attended when I returned to the church was a Women of Grace conference (October 2005). It was held in northern Kentucky. I was blessed to meet my dear friend Crazy Catholic Sue there! The speakers were Johnnette Benkovic, MaryBeth Bonacci, Fr. Edmund Sylvia...and more. It was a wonderful weekend, full of praise, worship, a spontaneous rosary group that just happened during a break! I knew at that conference that I was hungry for the truth....I was coming to realize that no matter how far down the sinner path I had gone......I am forgiven and he always takes me back.....whew....I had work to do, but felt so loved!
Since that first conference I have been blessed to hear and see a Cardinal of the church, many wonderful and holy Priests, and lay people such as:
John Cardinal Foley, Father John Corapi (twice), Father Mitch Pacwa, Father Leroy Smith (twice), Father Bill McCarthy (twice), Father Gregory Bramlage, Father Andrew Apostoli, Father Wade Menezes, Father Anthony Brausch, Tim Staples, John Martignoni, Carmelo Cortez (three times), Dan Schneider, Bill Richart...and others that I will add as I remember!
I recently attended a conference for vocations here in Cincinnati that was terrific, The Call of the King Conference. Follow this link for more info: http://www.cincinnativocations.org/stmichaelprayerwarriors.php
Foster/adopt update and a "wth?"
14 years ago
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Welcome to St. Blogosphere! Don't be a stranger, watch out for trolls lurking under the bridges, but most importantly, have fun!
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